Laser Therapy Institute
- Oct 28, 2020
- 4 min
Absorption, scattering, and penetration
When we say penetration, we're talking about how deep the light can get through the tissues; how much of it can get through those tissues.
Laser Therapy Institute
- Oct 20, 2020
- 4 min
Colors for Success: Why Wavelength Matters!
When we are talking about photobiomodulation, those wavelengths are between 600 and 700 nanometers as well as from 770 to about 1064nm.
Laser Therapy Institute
- Oct 7, 2020
- 8 min
Do the settings really make a difference?
How much does wavelength matter? Do Class 4 lasers always damage tissue? Are Class 3B lasers effective? What about LED vs laser?